Acris Recording Preparation $250 (w/title) $300 (no insurance)
Air Resources $60
Attorney Search $3501 + $30/additional name
Bankruptcy / Patriot Search $25/name
Bar Claim $600
Certificate of Abandonment $500 + filing fees
Certificate of Map Filing $500 + filing fees
Certificate of Abandonment & Map Filing $700 + filing fees
Certificate of Good Standing $150
Certificate of Occupancy $85
    Town of Babylon & Smithtown $195
    Town of Brookhaven $100
    Town of Huntington $135
    Town of Islip $165
    Town of Shelter Island $125
    Village of East Hampton $150
    Village of Garden City $125
    Village of Mastic Beach $140
    Village of Ocean Beach $250
Judgment $30/name
Certified Copies of Documents $40 + $1/page
Certified Tax Search $100
Chain of Title (20 years) $175 + $125/additional year
Condemnation $425
Continuation $75
Co-op Insurance Note2
Co-op Searches  
    Basic Search3 $425
    Mortgage Search Affecting Entire Building $150
Copy of Last Deed of Record $40
Covenants, Restrictions, and Easement $250
Covenants and Restrictions (Contract to Purchase) $150
Department of Highways $40
Deposit for Individual $250
Doing Business As (DBA) $75
Duplicate Original Policy $55
Emergency Repair $60
Escrow Service Fee $50
Extra Chain $175
Federal Express / Carrier Service $25
Foreclosure Search4 ($1,000 Liability) $400 + filing fees
Foreclosure Search4 ($10,000 Liability) $500 + filing fees
Flood Zone Search $75
Franchise Tax $50
Fuel Oil Permit $50
Full Title/No Insurance $550
Grantee/Grantor $125/name per town5
Health Department $50
Health Department/Title Cert. (no liability)6 $350
Health Department/Title Cert. ($15,000 liability)6 $450
Highway/Sidewalk Violation $50
Last Owner  
    Deed, Lis Pendens, and Surrogates $150
    Judgments and Federal Tax Liens $50/name
Lis Pendens $75
Mortgage Search $150
Partition Action $600
Pending Litigation $100/name
Sheriff’s Sale $600
Street Dedication $500
Street Maintenance Report $50
Street Report $50
Survey Inspection $80
    Re-inspection $50
    Fire Island $170
    Shelter Island $100
    Fisher’s Island $400
Tax or Mechanic’s Lien Foreclosure $500 + filing fees
Tax Redemption Search7 $300
Tax Search $50
UCC Search  
    Albany $60/name
    Suffolk $60/name
Variance/Single & Separate Search8 $450 subject premises + 3 adjoining (w/fee)
Variance/Single & Separate Search9 $550 subject premises + 3 adjoining (no insurance)
    Additional Parcels $175/each
Violation Searches  
    Housing & Building $85
    Fire $85
    Sewer Search (Suffolk County) $85
    Sewer Search (Nassau County) $125
Water Easement $300

Note: Searches are subject to New York sales tax

Cancellation Fee: $300 plus departmental fees. Additional charges may also apply.

1Includes deeds, mortgages, lis pendens, judgements, federal and other tax liens, Suffolk County UCC, surrogates w/taxes

2See TIRSA rate manual sec. 10 and 11. Not included are: Suffolk & Albany UCC, Judgements, Federal Tax Liens vs. all entities other than the co-op corporation. Additional fee may apply

3Search all parties for Judgements, Federal Tax Liens, Suffolk & Albany UCC, Mechanic Liens (unit only)

4Section 23 Mortgage Foreclosure Guarantee:

    – The charge for a mortgage foreclosure guarantee shall be five hundred dollars ($500). This charge does not include filing for recording documents.

    – Liability under a mortgage foreclosure guarantee shall be limited to $10,000.

    – No mortgage foreclosure guarantee may be issues until all charges hereunder have been paid in full.

5Additional charges apply prior to 1977

6Includes contins. Search to certify to county and/or town as to current owners and mortgagees who are to consent to filing of covenant & restrictions

7Certifies deeds and mortgages for ten (10) years

8Excludes Huntington, Smithtown, and Southold

9Huntington, Smithtown, and Southold only